Being a good Call Center Agent is not about getting the right educational qualification, but essentially about getting the right skill set. Just like it is not important for the Agent to have a degree in English, but it is important for them to be able to speak in global neutral accent of English. Therefore A1 Call Center provider of call center outsourcing services, have regular soft-skill training sessions for our Agents. Some of the key soft skills which we emphasize upon are:Continue reading
A glimpse of our Call Center Agent Training Session
Training Room is one of the most fun places to be in A1 Call Center, next only to the Cafeteria. All our training sessions are followed by Continue reading
New Year Resolutions for A1
Resolutions are not just a casual annual ritual for us at A1. We don’t make resolutions only for the heck of it and then break them at the slightest inconvenience. Each resolution is a commitment of us, with ourselves.Continue reading
A1 Call Center – The Best Back Office and Customer Support Services Provider
A1 Call Center is a well known name in BPO Industry and has got a reputation for delivering top-notch customer support services and back office services. We give special focus Continue reading
Enhancing Call Center Services at A1 Call Center
We clearly understand the importance of the work that we do for our clients and the impact that it can have on their business. Further, we believe that our success Continue reading
A1 Call Center is Getting Ready for The Christmas Day
The season of cakes and bells is on its way. We all are waiting eagerly for the Santa to come and distribute us our presents. Christmas is always Continue reading
Generate Qualified Leads instead of Quantity Leads
It doesn’t matter if an enterprise gets thousands of leads and none of them is a genuinely qualified lead. Any enterprise doesn’t need leads in bulkContinue reading
The fun-filled Voice Training Workshop at A1 Call Center
or A1 Call Center, our Agents are the biggest asset. And for each of our Agent, the biggest asset is their ‘Voice’. We realize that our whole business Continue reading
5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource to A1 Call Center Services
Holistic Service Provider: A1 Call Center
Do not take your Phone Answering Service for granted
Most of our clients never acknowledged the role of phone answering when their business was booming. And they overlooked Continue reading